Laurinda Shaver
What is digital media anyway?
“So what does that mean exactly?” says the smartly dressed woman sipping her wine at a networking ...
Dad, this is what I do for a living.
"I'm confused", my Dad would say. "What do you do for a living?" I try to explain that I produce ...
Are you wired to do Interactive work?
I taught piano for 10 years. Loved it. The kids would come tramping through my apartment on Saturdays and all kinds ...
Where the hell have you been, Laurinda
Is so easy. You get busy and then one day passes, then 2, them 30. And before you know it, you are one of those ...
My assumptions questioned. Daily.
Thank you so much for all your positive feedback about my last post, The Extremely Personal Post. It reminds me ...
The Extremely Personal Post
July 30, 2011 I am the CEO of my life. This proud statement just sprung out of me as I read an inspiring post by ...